
亚洲艺术家 | 陈琦受邀参展今日美术馆 “致敬传统 - 当代纸艺术作品巡展”

展名/ Title: 致敬传统 - 当代纸艺术作品巡展

A Tribute to Tradition - 

The Exhibition of Contemporary Paper Art Works

学术主持/ Academic Director: 范迪安 Fan Di'an

策展人/ Curators: 李洪波 Li Hongbo、 陈思 Chen Si

学术委员/ Academic Committee Members

冯峰 Feng Feng、李翔 Li Xiang、

谭平 Tan Ping、吴洪亮 Wu Hongliang

展览时间Duration: 2020.7.12 (Sun) - 8.3 (Mon)

展览地点Venue: 今日美术馆1号馆

Today Art Museum Building No.1

“致敬传统 - 当代纸艺术作品巡展” 由吉林师范大学主办,吉林师范大学美术学院、吉林师范大学中国纸艺术研究所、北京今日美术馆承办,力邀国内58位纸艺术创作领域代表性艺术家,通过120余件不同形态的艺术作品,探讨作为文化传承载体的纸在当代语境下呈现出的新的可能性,为中国纸艺术的研究与发展贡献力量,是中国首次系统梳理当代纸艺术作品的全国巡展。此后本展还将先后去往山东美术馆、鲁迅美术学院美术馆、西安美术学院美术馆和武汉美术馆。


  参展作品 · Artwork   

▲ 陈琦《观象No.2》
    120x260x30cm  2019


▲ 陈琦《观象No.2》局部


2006年夏天我在伦敦班克赛艺廊(Bankside Gallery)做个展,一天在欧洲木版基金会冯德保先生家中参观他的收藏(中国古籍善本),无意间翻到清刻《太平山水图》其中一个对页《雄观亭图》时,满页虫眼交织着图画中翻滚的浪花直逼双目,瞬间,我被巨大的历史荒漠感击倒。那细密如绢丝般精美的线条与一个个大小不一弯曲幽闭的虫眼形成一种强烈的时空错构比对,我睁大眼睛,久久注视着那些形态各异的孔洞,想象它们曾经年轻丰盈的生命……” (节选于陈琦《时间简谱》

▲ 陈琦《观象No.2》局部


About Artist


重要个展:“陈琦格致:一个展示和理解的实验”(德基美术馆,南京,2018)、“印痕与复数 - 陈琦个展” (亚洲艺术中心,北京,2018)、“陈琦的时间:1983-2016”(半岛美术馆,上海,2016)、“时间简谱 - 陈琦艺术作品展”(中国国家博物馆,北京,2013)、“陈琦木刻”(杜伦大学东方博物馆,杜伦,英国,2008)、“陈琦水印版画第一回展”(中国美术馆,北京,1993)

重要群展:“致敬传统 - 当代纸艺术作品巡展” (今日美术馆,北京,2020)、“第58届威尼斯双年展中国国家馆展览‘Re-睿’”(威尼斯,意大利,2019)、“生逢其时 - 小林敬生 & 陈琦作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2019)、“第四届苏州·金鸡湖双年展“自 - 沧浪亭”当代艺术邀请展”(金鸡湖美术馆,苏州,2018)、“我在 - 2017中国版画艺术工作室联盟作品展”(广东美术馆,广州,2017)、“2017上海国际版画展”(上海中华艺术宫,上海,2017)、“沈勤、陈琦:零度”(亚洲艺术中心,台北,2016)、“中国当代版画名家文献展”(中国版画博物馆,深圳,2016)、“沈勤&陈琦作品展”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2015)、“后印刷 - 第一届CAA国际版画双年展”(中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2015)、“第十二届全国美术作品展”(中国美术馆,北京,2014)、“我在 - 中国版画艺术工作室联盟展”(江苏省美术馆,南京,2013)、“水·印·象 - 第十一届『姑苏之秋』当代水印版画邀请展”(苏州美术馆,苏州,2012)、“观城 - 国际版画邀请展”(上海美术馆,上海,2011)、“传统的复活 - 中国当代艺术展”(法兰克福当代艺术馆,法兰克福,2009)、“神奈川国际版画艺术节-日本当代版画和战后50年世界脚步”(横滨美术馆,横滨,1995)


Chen Qi was born in Nanjing in 1963. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Art Institute in 1987 with a bachelor's degree. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Art Institute in 2006 with a doctorate degree. Born in Nanjing in 1963, Chen Qi is currently working as a professor and the Deputy Dean of Graduate School of CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), the associate director of Printmaking Art Committee of China Artists Association, and the secretary general of Printmaking Department of China National Academy of Painting. 


Solo Exhibitions: Imprint·Plurality-Solo Exhibition of Chen Qi (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2018), The Time of Chen Qi 1983-2016 (Shanghai Peninsula Art Museum, Shanghai, 2016), The Notation of Time - Exhibition of Chen Qi's Art (National Museum of China, Beijing, 2013), Chen Qi Woodcuts (Oriental Museum, Durham University, Durham, UK, 2008), Woodblock Prints by Chen Qi (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 1993)


Group Exhibitions: A Tribute to Tradition - The Exhibition of Contemporary Paper Art Words (Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2020), Pavilion of the P.R of China at the 58th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia (Venice, Italy, 2019), Right Place Right Time (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2019), Shanghai International Printmaking Exhibition 2017 (China Art Museum, Shanghai, 2017), Shen Qin & Chen Qi: Zero Degree (Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2016), Chinese Modern Watermark Print Document Exhibition (China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen, 2016), Artworks by Shen Qin & Chen Qi (Asia Art Center, Beijing, 2015), Print in the Post-Print - The 1st CAA (China Academy of Art) Printmaking Biennial (CAA Art Museums, Hangzhou, 2015), The Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts (National Art Museum Of China, Beijing, 2014), Being Here - 2013 Prints by the League of Chinese Printmaking Studios (Jiangsu Art Museum, Nanjing, 2013), Water · Print · Impression - International Woodblock Print Invitation Exhibition (Suzhou Art Museum, Suzhou, 2012), View of the City - International Print Invitation Exhibition (Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, 2011), Revival of Tradition - Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition (Museum of Contemporary Art in Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 2009), Kanagawa International Print Festival–The Contemporary Prints of Japan and the World-Steps in Post War - 50 years (Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama, 1995)


Collections: British Museum, UK / Victoria and Albert Museum, UK / Ashmolean Museum, UK / Sotheby's Institute of Art, UK / The Muban Foundation, UK / New York Public Library, USA / Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan / Museum of Young Art (MOYA), Austria / National Art Museum of China, China / Shanghai Art Museum, China / Guangdong Museum of Art, China / Jiangsu Art Museum, China / Zhejiang Art Museum, China / Guan Shanyue Art Museum, China / Shenzhen Art Museum, China / Qingdao Art Museum, China / Suzhou Art Museum, China

关于美术馆About Museum



Today Art Museum was founded by Zhang Baoquan in 2002. The museum aims to promote Chinese contemporary art based on an internationalized vision and a contemporary ideology. As the first non-for-profit, non-governmental art museum in China, TAM is dedicated to explore an appropriate development strategy for museums of its kind within a Chinese context. "Foothold on today, outlook for tomorrow" is the slogan behind Today Art Museum, and creating one of the best contemporary art museums is our goal. We focus on Chinese contemporary art, its trends and key figures. At the same time, we strive to discover and support young artists in the community. Through the construction of a larger institutional framework and by carrying on relevant academic practices, TAM hopes to solidify its standing in the history of art and offer a multi-tiered approach to China’s burgeoning art scene. TAM also promotes international dialogue through exhibitions and events that provide structure for meaningful cultural exchange between Chinese and non-Chinese artists and organizations. In a global context, we believe these opportunities are the greatest means to secure future development of Chinese art.  To maintain international standards for construction and operation of a non-governmental museum, TAM cleared a unique path and by 2006, successfully completed its transformation into a non-profit organization.  Today Art Museum explores sustained development for China's private museums, adopting a more pragmatic approach that will gradually form a sound financial model for similar institutions. 


亚洲艺术家 | 陈琦、杭春晖入选2019中国艺术权利榜年度100位最具影响力艺术人物

亚洲艺术家 | “中国水印木刻青年计划”正式启动,陈琦水印木刻版画《华枝满天》限量发售

亚洲艺术家 | 陈琦《中国水印木刻的观念与技术》新书出版

亚洲艺术家 | 陈琦参展第58届威尼斯双年展中国国家馆展览“Re-睿”,为世界带去来自东方的礼物

亚洲视频 | 小林敬生&陈琦:雕刻于隽永锋芒之间,在突破中延续艺术使命

* 亚洲现场 | 生逢其时 - 小林敬生&陈琦作品展开幕

* 亚洲展讯 | 生逢其时 - 小林敬生&陈琦作品展

* 亚洲艺术家 | 陈琦格致:一个展示与理解的实验

* 亚洲评论 | 印痕与复数:当代版画本体的再认识

* 印痕与复数-陈琦个展 | 打破水印版画的本体

* 亚洲现场 | 印痕与复数 - 陈琦个展

* 亚洲讲堂 | 有意味的印痕与非机械性复制

* 亚洲展讯 | 印痕与复数 - 陈琦个展



 正在展出  Current Exhibitions

亚洲艺术中心(上海)《复奏 —— 小清水渐与原口典之》


亚洲艺术中心(台北一馆)《空间的动态 | 法贾希迪个展》

松美术馆(北京) 《2020 - 松美术馆邀请展》


 最新消息  Lastest News


